Thread: Flange adpator
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Old 20th April 2013, 02:11 PM
robo robo is offline
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Originally Posted by voucht View Post
Finally I could remove this bloody flange!

I bought an offset 30mm ring spanner as Baz and Kev advised. Thank you guys. But it was not deep enough, so I had to grind around the ring to make it fit. Took me ages

Then of course the nut was jammed because of the rust, and I used a lot of WD40. I made a set-up with a steel bar, clamp locking pliers to hold the spanner on the nut, not to tight, but enough, and hammered the spanner. after quite a lot of time, I finally could undo the nut

Pictures here if you want.

Otherwise, this more for Bob/ Bob, here are the dimensions of the splined part:

26 teeth
small diameter : 26.7mm
big diameter : 28.6mm

Diameter of the part in the gearbox : 40mm
Length on this part : 28mm

Attachment 1649
(Hight definition picture on my blog, at the very end of the same post)

Can you check if your ford Transit flange has the same dimensions please, and let me know with the end of the week-end?

Thank you very much.
You are in luck , the transit flange is the same. Email your address and I will get it to you.


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