I'm slowly working through my electrics at the moment and so far I've got all the junk taken out of the loom (quite a big pile) and everything sitting roughly in the right area. I've ran the bits to the backend down thru the tunnel with some conduit tube, same with the some of the lighting wires for the front end. I still have a massive mess of wires though where my scuttle will eventually go. How has everyone else tidyed this part up? They all for the most part either go to the backend, front end, engine, fusebox, insturments/switches, & column but it's not exactly neat as the original loom was really bad for things being really tangled up

Is it worth taking the time to disconnect it all and untangle or should I just kind of clump it together into rough paths and then put them into thicker conduit tube or would it even be acceptable to just tape up these larger clumps (eg all the wires that come out the fusebox).